The beginning of August is typically sort of a down time in my garden. A couple days ago, though, one of my neighbors came to my door to tell me how much my front yard means to her. She is the mother of four children under 10 years old. I can't imagine how she juggles her life. Some days when both my two-year-old nephews are in my care are taxing and I always find the days I substitute for kindergarten and first grade wearing. I don't know how she does it 24/7 and remains so upbeat.
Andrea, the inspiration for this share is all on you!

A borrowed view of my neighbors' Queen Anne.

Some wave petunias I planted by my blue hosta' Abiqua Drinking Gourd'.

This is the path to my side yard.
This pot on my front steps. With the rain and the heat, I have yet to give a few things their yearly coat of paint; this front step included.

This is my side yard. The forsythia will take over unless I cut it back. If you can think of a flower it is probably in this side yard border (seriously!). Not all the plants are happy or bloom here. You have to be mega invasive/aggressive to make a go of it under these conditions.

This pot has pink Dragonwings begonias. It sits in front of an akebia quinata and a nice Fried Green Tomatoes Hosta.

Rattlesnake Master on the left, the Ironweed is taller than the photo.
This my Austrian Black Pine. I choose it for my yard because unlike a white pine it retains its lower limb. Unfortunately it was the victim of a sapsucker this last winter. A lot of the lower limbs have needles that are half brown and half green. I don't know if it will make it. I try to give it an extra drink when we don't get regular rain. To illustrate how stupid that sap sucker is I found it going after my treated two year old pergola which is painted with solid color stain.

The tiny orange flowers are belcamda lilies which I grew from seed. The blue are an old-fashioned tall balloon flower.
Sedum 'Matrona' and daylily 'Apricot Sparkles' are also in this picture.
Just a short tour of some areas of my garden from which I typically don't post pictures. My lot is 44' by 140' and bordered by street or alley on three sides. My house is tiny so a cottage style is more appropriate. Not pictured are the areas in which I grow veggies, nor the edible landscaping and screen hedge where I have asparagus, an espaliered cherry tree, my grapes, a pear tree, rhubarb, and asparagus.
I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Your garden is very lovely and colorful! Congratulations on it and thank you for sharing your piece of heaven with us!
ReplyDeleteHow I wish I could have a garden like that. It is so beautiful with all the various colors of the flowers. Congrats.