Tuesday, August 28, 2012
End of Summer Party, and Off He Goes...
Yesterday, was a very full day. Faithful Companion was scheduled for surgery to have two masses removed, and Sister-in-Law and I decided my Handsome Son needed a ice cream cake send-off party for college.
We weren't sure whether Faithful Companion would be dog-dog or noodle dog after surgery. She was so happy to see us when we picked he up, we wondered if she was still on happy drugs from the surgery. Today, she is decidedly acting much more low-keyed.
So rarely are so many of us around.
PA Sister was here from the East Coast and leaving this morning, too. She and I spent some time after the ice cream cake (which was the only lure we had to cast to entice my nearly 80-year-old father to join us!) harvesting cabbage, cape gooseberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, including the wonderful orange Amanas, basil, sage, golden beets, carrots, edamame, cape gooseberries, red and green peppers. She is taking the Wisconsin family garden bounty back across country in addition to some preserved pickles as house presents on her return route visits. She brought us her local Chaddsford wines and copies of her soon-to-be-released book about the Schuylkill River.
Brother prepared a wonderful salad entirely from our family garden with leaf lettuce, red sheepnose peppers, green peppers, Amana orange tomatoes, red Olpaka tomatoes. There was pizza from Little Caesar's, one of Handsome Son's favorite take-out foods.
And of course, there was ice cream cake.
And there was time for pictures, although the light was decidedly going by the time we thought of that. Baby Gardener and the Twins, being of that age, has a hard time posing rather than exploring.
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