Friday, May 4, 2012

Finally Friday: Clematis 'Josephine'

My clematis 'Josephine' is coming into furious and floriferous bloom. There are almost more buds than I can count. 'Josephine' is an over-the-top clematis which when seen other gardeners cannot seem to believe it could possibly be hardy here in central Wisconsin. This beauty should be commencing its bloom in time for my Handsome Son's big day! A few notes on 'Josephine'. She blooms twice on new and old wood and the blooms on the old wood are double, so prune only for shape. Bury a couple leaf notes below the surface when planting it. Go for the east or west side of a building when planting and provide something for it to crawl up. Planting next to a foundation will provide alkaline leeching into the soil and help with the proper pH for clematis. Clematis like their water and fertilizer,a good 10-10-10 will do. Mulching your clematis heavily is always a good idea, particularly if you are not sure if it has been planted at the proper depth or if your clematis is an inherited one.

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