Wednesday, August 14, 2013

That Feeling of Fall

Hydrangea tardiva 'Unique'
I can't help but have my customary sense of foreboding this time of year.  The oppressive humidity lifts, the tardiva hydrangeas begin to bloom, and the skies are that clear shade of blue I forever thing of as "Parthenon blue".  I think of October, the color of my grandmother's eye, 911, Motorola, cookies, and winter.  And while I should rejoice and cherish such beautiful days,  always in the back of my mind is this ominous sense of foreboding.  My mother has this superstitious vein and warns not to speak too often or loudly of ones cherished moments, things, or people should The Fates be too jealous of your joy in these things and snatch them from you.

It leaves me with a feeling of dread I just can't shake this time of year, and I simply know not why. 

At present, Handsome Son is home with me, anticipating his second year at university upon successful completion of his first.  It was a year when he successfully jumped the breach of coming from very rural and small school to a medium size college where he met a lovely, well-mannered girl.    He has taken time to visit relatives, take a fishing trip with his dad (He caught a 17 pound bass.), work, and spend his few stray moments with his Mom. 

I had a great time teaching summer school.  My garden has never looked better, which gives me great pleasure.  I have had some time to complete and work on a few small projects around the house and harvested a great amount of berries from my small yard. 

My parents are in good health, as is my entire family.  We live clean, healthy lives, but good health should always be tabulated in the plus column on any given day.  I have been having great fun with the Gardening Twins, although this year as four-year-olds, they are much more interested in digging in the dirt and what they can harvest, rather than weeding or the other mechanics of gardening.  Boo, though at just under 17 months, has demonstrated a preference for hanging with me when he can and attempting to pull weeds, adding great sound effects to his and my joint efforts as he pulls, clapping loudly when he manages to get anything out of the ground.

Last night the temperatures fell to 42 degrees.  At midnight, after a short marathon of "the Walking Dead" episodes capping off an afternoon watching the movie "Elysium" at the theatre, I spent a half hour in the dark scurrying about clipping coleus.  I have quite an extensive collection at this point, not every one of which I see from year to year for sale.  I would hate to loose any given one.  They have become the reliable and colorful fillers for my very short-term frost free garden, pots and baskets. 

Our last frost date here was June 6 this year.  Our next full moon is August 22, I believe.  If our trending weather pattern does not change and a clear night comes to pass that day...

It could mean a growing season of a scant 77 frost-free days this year.  Check your vegetable seed packets and note how many list "75-80 days to harvest" and how many a great number more.  Perhaps this accounts for my sense of foreboding, maybe not. 

Regardless, enjoy the days as you can.  No truer words have ever been said than "Carpe diem."

1 comment:

  1. I know that feeling. Perhaps as the end of summer comes in view, the spectre of winter begins to haunt us. Sounds like you and yours are doing very well.
