Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 2024

Yes, I still garden.
I have no space. I will admit my garden is over-planted. I have a serious issue with having to have "all the plants". My veg garden is off-site (not at my house), which is fraught with things I can not control. And, it's clay. My home garden is sand. There is an adjustment there! But it does get me strawberries. And in time, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes.
This view of my garden seems so sedate. (I think this was pre-injury.)
Not so the picture I titled, "Welcome to the Jungle" recently.
Handsome son has married. Beautiful Daughter-in-law is fast becoming a good gardener. She says she wants to be a Dahlia Farmer when she grows up. Last Christmas we built a grow room and light rack set-up for her so she can prestart Dahias and seeds. Her front porch pots:
I have adjusted my gardening style to my infirmaties and work schedule. Although, I technically retired, and may be you could consider I have been retired since moving here in 2003. I do quite a bit of social media for things I am involved with or work at. WHen I pulled up my blog, I realized I have 3 unfinished posts I should probably upload covering the last 2 years! I have gone crazy starting annuals and perennials from seed. I am not sure where I am going with that. I do know the weather seems to be just crazy and the way I hunt for plants has also changed.It has given me some unusual plants.
The Gardening Twins and Baby Gardener have been joined by the Protector of the Frogs. But they have grown!
I have started growing more roses again.
I often look back to this blog to find the right picture of a plant for reference. I am amazed at the change in my garden. I grow a lot of Clematis.
My hedge still looks good as does the scree garden off my deck. ANd the peonies and lilacs are magical in their own special way.
The rain has stopped. It is out to weed. That hasn't changed.

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