Friday, July 19, 2013

'Tis the Season! Daylilies, Like Christmas in July!

Unknown daylily in my long border, probably bought out of someone's yard years ago as a fan dug then and there.

Daylily Strawberry Candy

Daylily Mary Todd, always one of the first to bloom, given to me as a garden-warming gift from dear friend Sheila Mukite.

Unnamed seedling bought out of an IL breeder program

Photo: Courtesy Dr. Darrel Apps; an unreleased seedling from his breeding program, a diploid rebloomer.  Yes, I'm sure it's really those colors, and he has two even more scrumptious than that.  (Retired, my butt!)

Everyday around here is like opening a new Christmas present!  Between the daylilies blooming in my yard and the chance viewing of some of hybridizer Dr. Apps' across the way!


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