Saturday, July 20, 2013

Having a Bruno Mars Moment...

My son's best result from playing with daylily hybridizing when he was 12.  I call it "Austin's Beauty".
 I don't feel like doing anything, I probably will do lots of things, not just the things I should!

So enjoy some more daylilies!

Rejection #1 from the breeding program of Dr. Apps.

Rejection #2 from the breeding program of Dr. Apps.  (I quite like this one, and it has a nice bud count.)
Rejection #3 from the bredding program of Dr. Apps.  Nice, but not as nice a bud count as #2, not as growth-y neither.

Unnamed daylily grown from seed from Jung's.

Daylily 'South Seas'

My stand by daylily filling my hell strip.  I think a chance cross found in my Elgin garden grown by previous owner in the 1970s.

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