Thursday, February 7, 2019

Where to Begin...Again

A housebound orchid blooming a second year in a row.

It is not like in the movies. It is not quick. It is painful. And I had to give it all my focus.

When I broke my femur mid-shaft June 1, 2018, I thought I would be back to my life in a couple months. So wrong. After three months it took everything I had to get around in a wheel chair. I was pretty much housebound the entire growing season.

So hard to focus. Projects, plans, work, life, and gardening on hold.fall

And now what? I have lost 56 pounds. I am trying to get up to 3,000 steps a day. I am trying not to inadvertently slip and fall on the ice or snow. And, I am trying to think about spring.

On Mothers' Day in 2018, just a couple weeks before my accident, I visited my son in Madison, Olbrich, Allen Centennial, and garden centers were on our day trip list. Below are a few pictures from then. Enjoy on these pictures from last spring on these cold winter days.

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